Planning Applications
The Parish Council does not have the power to ‘determine’ (decide upon) planning applications, but is consulted by planning officers from South Somerset District Council (SSDC) which is the ‘planning authority’ for most, if not all, applications within the Parish: Some planning applications may be dealt with by Somerset County Council depending on their nature. The views of the Parish Council are taken into account by the ‘planning authority’ before any decision is made.
The Parish Council considers planning applications at full council meetings (six times a year); special meetings to deal with planning matters only will also be held as and when required. Applicants are encouraged to attend council meetings as members of the public to ‘present’ their application in person during ‘open time’.
The Parish Council will consider (but are not limited to):
- Overlooking/loss of privacy
- Loss of light or overshadowing
- Parking
- Highway safety
- Traffic
- Noise
- Effect on listed building and conservation area
- Layout and density of building
- Design, appearance and materials
- Government policy
- Disabled persons’ access
- Proposals in the Development Plan
- Previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions)
- Nature conservation
The Parish Council may recommend to the the planning authority whether the application should be ‘accepted’ or ‘rejected’, and also provide comments. Routinely the final decision is made by the planning officers, however, some decisions may be referred to the SSDC Area East Committee (consisting of district councillors), which usually meets every month.
This link Somerset Council Planning will take you to the Somerset Council planning page and you can search for a particular application here: Planning Application Search (or alternatively via a Map View). By selecting an application number or address you will have access to the full details of the application; be able to view the plans; read the comments made by the Parish Council and others; comment on the application; and read the decision when it has been made.
Anyone considering making a planning application is encouraged to contact the local planning office beforehand for advice.