Towards the end of 2007 the village hall trustees were considering making improvements to the village hall. Through early meetings with South Somerset District Council (SSDC) regarding possible help with funding, it became apparent that it would be very useful to produce a village plan to help gauge residents ideas and vision for the future of the village. Two public consultations and several surveys were conducted and a decision made to build a new hall.
In January 2011 a questionnaire was circulated to all homes in Charlton Musgrove and received a response rate of 72%. The results and comments were analysed, and another public consultation held in November 2011 where villagers were able to view the results and suggest possible actions and aims to include in the plan. These were collated with other information and the final Parish Plan was produced.
The Plan was endorsed by the Parish Council and by the SSDC to form part of the Local Development Plan.