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More Volunteers Needed for Play Area – Barrow Lane

The Parish Council have recently reviewed the long term future maintenance of this area, largely prompted by the ‘retirement’ of the person who has almost singlehandedly mowed it for years, without any payment.  This has kept the cost of having a play area down to a reasonable level but now we need your help to continue to do so.

A (very select) group of volunteers has been established who take it in turns to keep the grass mowed to a suitable length throughout the summer and carry-out occasional strimming around the installed equipment.

Additional volunteers are needed to spread the load and make sure that the grass is kept “under control” and the play area is kept open. If you would like to volunteer to help please email; all equipment and training will be provided.

Unless members of the community or users of the play area come forward to support during next year, the Parish Council will have to seriously consider the future of this area and any escalation in the costs involved in its maintenance.

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